Safe Community Classifieds

2023-2024 Physical Science Teacher 7-12 - SUNRISE MOUNTAIN HS

pdf />Please ensure that you have uploaded your license and/or transcript documentation and completed the required employment history, including any gaps in employment, on the application Recommended Skills Differentiated Instruction Secondary Education Social Studies Student Teaching Curriculums Lesson Planning Estimated Salary: $20 to $28 per hour based on qualifications.

Don't Be a Victim of Fraud

  • Electronic Scams
  • Home-based jobs
  • Fake Rentals
  • Bad Buyers
  • Non-Existent Merchandise
  • Secondhand Items
  • More...

Don't Be Fooled

The fraudster will send a check to the victim who has accepted a job. The check can be for multiple reasons such as signing bonus, supplies, etc. The victim will be instructed to deposit the check and use the money for any of these reasons and then instructed to send the remaining funds to the fraudster. The check will bounce and the victim is left responsible.