Safe Community Classifieds

NP / Registered Nurse / Nevada / Permanent / Nurse Clinical Educator ER Trauma Job

Description SHIFT:
Mixed (rotating weekends)SCHEDULE:
Full-time Do you want to be a partof a family and not just another employee? Are you looking for a workenvironment where diversity and inclusion thrive? Submit your application todayand find out what it truly means to be a part of a team! The HCA ClinicalEducation Service Line (CESL) is part of our strategic nursinginitiative to create an organizational structure (shared services) focusedspecifically on clinical education.
The CESL will develop and deploy consistentworld-class curriculum, content, and programs across HCA's approximately 200acute care facilities nationwide.
The strategy of our center shared servicesimplementation focuses on our amazing clinical educators dedicating their timein high value-add, top of skill efforts with our clinicians.
To aid in thiseffort, HCA will leverage size and scale to share clinical education bestpractices across the enterprise and help make decisions that will positivelyimpact our patient outcomes.
The ClinicalProfessional Development Educator (CPDE), with an ER/ Trauma emphasis, is responsible for enhancing professionalpractice and the provision of quality patient care by providing evidence-based,quality educational programs and activities that promote professionalcompetency for nursing, inter-professional and non-licensed clinical staff atassigned facility.
The CPDE activelycollaborates in the entire orientation/onboarding process.
This includesparticipating in the development, coordination, managing, facilitating,conducting, and evaluating on-boarding and orientation programs for nursing andother healthcare personnel.
The CPDE is responsibleto have the expertise in competency assessment in order to participate in thedevelopment, coordination, and managing, facilitating, conducting, andevaluating competency.
Education is designed toimprove professional practice and provision of quality care.
Toaccomplish this goal the CPDS participates in designing and identifyingeducational activities to address practice gaps for identified targetaudiences, which may include licensed and non-licensed healthcare personal inalignment with HCA and division clinical education request and developmentprocesses.
These activities are developed to achieve specific outcomes relatedto identified deficits or opportunities for improvement in knowledge, skill andpractice.
Research Evidence-basedPractice (EBP)/Quality Improvement (QI):
The CPDE must promote and integrate the EBP inorder to continuously improve practice.
In addition, they promote research,EBP, and QI in patient care settings.
CPDS may conduct, encourage, facilitate,and/or participate in research, EBP, and QI, including dissemination offindings.
The CPDE collaborateswith partners to share experience in planning and decision making to achievethe desired results.
Inter-professional collaboration involves multiplehealthcare personnel from different professional backgrounds collaborating todeliver the highest quality.
Professional RoleDevelopment:
Professional roledevelopment involves identification and development of strategies to facilitatea continuous process of maturation through lifelong learning.
This type ofdevelopment allows for role transition, role integration, skill acquisition andmastery as learners advance from novice to expert in their professions andspecialties.
Monitors the practices or operations withreference to laws, regulations, guidelines, or industry practices to assesscompliance, risk, or exposure while communicating key performance indicatorsfor clinical education service line within their division.
Fosters a Service Excellence culture Understand nursing units results to identify opportunities to support improvement in internal or external custome Recommended Skills Clinical Works Communication Decision Making Education Industry Practices Nursing Estimated Salary: $20 to $28 per hour based on qualifications.

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