Safe Community Classifieds

School Aide- Bass ES

5 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV Estimated:
2K - $42.
1K a year Estimated:
2K - $42.
1K a year 10 days ago 10 days ago 10 days ago School Aide- Bass ES - (2400090E) https:
pdf 10 Months, 7 Hours (With 1 extra hour 7:
00pm) Please ensure that you complete the entire three (3) year work history in the Experience and Credentials section of your application including periods of unemployment, schooling and volunteer work.
Please ensure that you have read the job description for the position.
Required documents for the job which you are applying must be attached at the time of application in order to be considered.
Computer skills are preferred, as well as a flexible personality that works well with others, has good attendance, willing to take on multiple tasks and is professional with students, staff, and family.
Primary Location LAS VEGAS Work Locations BASS, JOHN C.
ES 10377 RANCHO DESTINO ROAD LAS VEGAS 89183 Job Para-Professional/Aides/Assistants Organization Region Three Day Job Job Posting Dec 12, 2024, 2:
15 PM Unposting Date Dec 18, 2024, 1:
00 AM.
Estimated Salary: $20 to $28 per hour based on qualifications.

Don't Be a Victim of Fraud

  • Electronic Scams
  • Home-based jobs
  • Fake Rentals
  • Bad Buyers
  • Non-Existent Merchandise
  • Secondhand Items
  • More...

Don't Be Fooled

The fraudster will send a check to the victim who has accepted a job. The check can be for multiple reasons such as signing bonus, supplies, etc. The victim will be instructed to deposit the check and use the money for any of these reasons and then instructed to send the remaining funds to the fraudster. The check will bounce and the victim is left responsible.